Апр 4, 2019

The latest publication of Pr A. Emeryk (Pulmonologist, allergist and pediatrician at the University Children Hospital in Lublin, Poland), the EOLIA study, has been published in Pediatric Allergy and immunology journal.
The aim of the study was to demonstrate, in a school-aged population 6 to 16 years, the possible benefits of bacterial lysates as add-on therapy on asthma clinical course.
According to Pr. Emeryk, “Asthma is still a poorly controlled disease in children and adults. Asthma exacerbations associated with respiratory tract infections remain significant medical concerns. New prophylaxis options are being sought to improve the clinical course of asthma in children.”
While the asthma control level reflected in C-ACT and ACT scores remain the same in both treated and placebo group, some important secondary objectives were statistically achieved, and demonstrated the potential interest of PMBL® Tablet for asthma management:
- Reduction of the mean number of asthma exacerbations 42% lower over the whole study period with PMBL® Tablet as compared to Placebo,
- Reduction of Short Acting β2 Agonists (SABA) use: These latter are used for asthma exacerbation relief.
The time to first, second and third asthma exacerbation was prolonged thanks to PMBL Tablet, reflecting the reduced number of asthma exacerbations per patient. Pr. Emeryk finally concluded in the publication that “Administration of PMBL® Tablet represents a safe and effective means for significantly reducing the rate of exacerbations in school aged allergic asthmatic children.“
“EOLIA” : Efficacy Of mechanical bacterial Lysate In Asthmatic children.
Emeryk A, Bartkowiak-Emeryk M, Raus Z, Braido F, Ferlazzo G, Melioli G. Mechanical bacterial lysate administration prevents exacerbation in allergic asthma children-The EOLIA study. Pediatric Allergy and immunology. (2018) 29;394-401