Jul 11, 2019

EAACI congress 2019 :
The EAACI congress 2019 (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) took place in Lisbon, Portugal from June 1st, 2019 to June 5th, 2019.
On June 3rd, in the frame of the congress, Pr K. P. Janeczek (Department of Children’s Lung Diseases and Rheumatology in Lublin, Poland) gave a lecture about “The Effect of Polyvalent Mechanical Bacterial Lysate on the Clinical Course of Pollen Allergic Rhinitis in Children” responding to the topic of the risks factors and novel treatments for children with respiratory allergies.
He demonstrated that PMBL® reduced nasal obstruction (PNIF increase), reduced the severity of Total Nasal Symptom Score (TNSS) and Total Ocular Symptom Score also limited the increase in the number of eosinophils in nasal swabs during the grass pollination season.
EMA referral conclusions :
The EMA (European Medicine Agency) acknowledged evidence of effectiveness of bacterial lysates-containing medicinal products in the prevention of recurrent respiratory tract infections. The safety profile is in line with what is expected for this type of product.
The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (the committee that is responsible for preparing the Agency’s opinions on questions concerning human medicines) therefore recommended that bacterial lysate medicines can continue to be used for prevention of infections of the airways (except pneumonia).
Lallemand Pharma welcomes this positive conclusion of the EU referral in which they participated and supported rigorously their position. Lallemand Pharma will continue to clinically document their bacterial lysates to further reinforce data on effectiveness.
Forthcoming event:
The ERS International Congress 2019 (European Respiratory Society) will occur from September 28th to October 2nd 2019 in Madrid, Spain. To respond to the topic of asthma biomarkers, diagnostics and risk factors, Pr K. P. Janeczek (Department of Children’s Lung Diseases and Rheumatology in Poland) will give a lecture about « The effect of polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate on the reduction of nasal Staphylococcus aureus carriage in children with pollen allergic rhinitis», on October 1st.
Lallemand Pharma R&D in Marine microorganisms :
The adaptation of marine micro-organisms to a wide range of environmental conditions render them an enormous reservoir for biotechnological discoveries. Researchers are just beginning to grasp the enormous potential of the marine environment to develop new pharmaceutical solutions. They still face many challenges, namely accessibility and the costs associated with research.
Lallemand Pharma is currently working in this area and has several projects under development in the field of respiratory and oral care; especially some medical devices applications containing postbiotics, metabolites from marine microorganisms.