Sep 25, 2018

Pr Emeryk (Pulmonologist, Allergist and Pediatrician University Children Hospital of Lublin, Poland) has been lately questioned about the benefits of bacterial lysates in asthmatic population: results of EOLIA study and pharmaco-economic adding value.
Discover the detailed interview:
Question 1 : Why did you study the benefits of bacterial lysates in asthmatic population?
Pr Emeryk : “Asthma is still a poorly controlled disease in children and adults. Asthma exacerbations associated with respiratory tract infections are a significant medical problem. New therapeutic options are being thought to improve the clinical course of asthma in children.”
Question 2 : What is the most important result and adding value of PMBL sublingual tablets in EOLIA study?
Pr Emeryk : “PMBL® Tablet (Ismigen®) reduces the number of asthma exacerbations in school-age children with IgE-dependent asthma. Treatment with PMBL® Tablet prolonged the time to second asthma exacerbation by 55% and to third asthma exacerbation by 74%. These therapy also reduces SABA (Short Acting Beta Agonists) consumption.”
Question 3 : As regard to Pharmaco-economic data, what were the most relevant results?
Pr Emeryk : “Treatment with PMBL® Tablet allows cost-saving and provides better control of the disease in comparison to the placebo group. The largest reduction in costs was observed from the perspective of a patient (10 euros per month) and of the society (17 euros per month).